Tuesday, May 5, 2015


Together we make art. Together we inspire art. Together we are ART!

Art is something that means so much to one person, and so little to another. But the beauty of art is that it is something only we can feel, sense and express in our own individual way. It seems we think of art as a creative painting, drawing or sculpture. We think art can be as simple as little hands dipped deep into a puddle of bright red paint then patted delicately all over a big sheet of canvas... Or maybe we see art as something complicated like shading each strand of hair perfectly on the penciled photograph of your best friend you've spent hours working on in great detail. But what if that is just how we perceive art, when in reality it is actually so much more than that? I happen to think is it SO much more than that. Art is a big, vast and ever-changing motion that is happening around us at all times. Art is a dew drop slowly making its way down each blade of grass from last nights slumber, to the smiling faces of children playing in the Summer heat. Art is anything we want it to be, and that is how this hash-tag was born. Life is art and art is life. We create the most beautiful pieces of art every single day completely unknowingly, just by living. We create art when we express love and gratitude. We create art when we are kind to others, when we express ourselves naturally and even when we make love. We express art with the clothes we wear, the smiles we lend and the children we raise. We create art when we go shopping, exploring or simply just by taking deep breaths in and out. The circle of life goes full swing, and just by living, we get to be part of the bigger picture, which is a piece of art so big and so great, we overlook it every day. I don't know about you, but I aspire to add beauty, grace and magnificence to that piece every day in everything I do.

Two women, best friends since childhood, came up with the concept of sharing the beauty of art in lifestyle and simple living with those around them. These two women, are myself and my dear friend Wondering In Color, and we are extremely passionate about exploring the possibilities in life, while inspiring others to be proud of their artistic abilities, whether those abilities are currently unknown or widely displayed for all to see. This hash-tag was created to give others the chance to share the art they see in every day life with one another without much effort. Whether it is how you position your mug of tea this morning, a random newspaper stand you pass during your lunch break, or how messy your bed looks before you roll into it before bed. This is your chance to share with SO many people around the world the way that you see life! Share with like minded people who are out to explore the BEAUTY and ART in everything that surrounds them. To me this is so much more than a hash-tag. This is a way to send positive vibes, love and encouragement with others all around the world, just by tagging #thereisart. 

Let's make this movement HUGE! Lets inspire others to be bigger and BETTER artists with or without pencils and paintbrushes! Lets ALL be artists, expressing ourselves and building up the ultimate greatness of life! You have no idea how much you could possibly inspire a stranger, who simply sees you displaying your photo and likes the way you see art, OR by liking the photo of something another finds to be art. This could be such a grand adventure together, and its really exciting to me! Lets inspire others to share so much more greatness than we even know right now. 

So! Here is to you, and your pink converse with yellow monkey socks... #thereisart! Here is to you, chasing seagulls on the beach... #thereisart! And here is to you, math teacher grading your students papers... #thereistart!


*Do check out my best friend, Rebecca (@wonderingincolor on instagram!) and her blog about #thereisart XO